Monday, July 1, 2024

Speak up 3

Follow-up to these posts

"Speak up!" is urged by a number of people I've written about on this blog. Speak up when you want to dissent, to tell the truth, instead of taking the easy way out. Speak up, even when you know certain people won't like it and may try to make you suffer for it. (But use the good advice of Kay Coles James when you do it.)

You probably have a "community" of like-minded people--call them your "tribe"--who agree with you on important things. What you might be surprised about is that a lot of Americans outside of your tribe agree with you on the importance of speaking what you believe. (A point that I've heard Vivek Ramaswamy make more than once.)

For example, a gay man writing for FAIR objects strongly to the assumption that he's defined by a mythical "LGBTQ community": "it reinforces an us vs. them mentality, and . . fuels division at a time when Americans desperately need to come together. . . and is frequently conjured as a cudgel wielded by the left to blame and shame." He doesn't like cancel culture, either. 

Don't just assume that other people are woke or leftist. Sometimes Americans of other tribes believe, as you do, in telling the truth and speaking up. 

from Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism

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