Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trans issue 3

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Is "transition" to the opposite gender a good idea? If we Christians are going to adhere to both truth and love, we should put some effort into understanding what science can tell us because:  "Part of loving and speaking the truth in love is knowing what the truth is."

Four MD's at Reasons to Believe have just published white papers on transition and gender identity to reveal which treatments really help and which really do not.

Exploding numbers of people with gender dysphoria (GD) in recent years resulted in an explosion of gender clinics. Most are guided by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), adhering to the Gender Affirming Model (GAM) of care. The patient's self-diagnosis is affirmed by professionals. There is no exploring of any underlying factors like mental health, sexual abuse, family issues. Transitioning is encouraged. 

After considering studies of GAM outcomes, they find that "support, time and psychotherapy are wiser approaches in these difficult situations than permanent, harmful medical and surgical interventions."

from A Scientific and Medical Evaluation of Transgenderism

(cont'd tomorrow)

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