Tuesday, July 2, 2024

If food is bad 1

"Americans have never been fatter. We’ve never been sicker." This author is not alone in his accusation. But it sounds overwrought. We want to see his evidence before we believe it, so here's a summary of his argument.

1) "In 1990, zero states had obesity rates above 20%. As of 2018, zero states had obesity rates below 20%." (The source for this data is not on the image, but compare to this Forbes article. The definition of obesity is the same, BMI of 30 or more.)

2) "
We have the . . sickest population of Americans that has ever existed." (Here's a CDC article about the prevalence of chronic disease for comparison to his statement.)

He says that obesity and sickness were not common in the past: "Your grandparents’ generation grew up exercising less, smoking more, drinking regularly, and without any special diets. Yet, by and large, that generation was healthy, because their food system wasn’t poisoning them."

Yes, he claims that our food system is poisoning us. 

(cont'd tomorrow)

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