Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Elite 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

So how different are the values of the "unique elite 1%?" Here's the difference on various issues between the opinions of most or all voters compared to those of the unique elite 1% (UE1):

  • is there enough individual freedom in America? - most voters want more, half of UE1 want less
  • favorable view of journalists? - 10% of all voters say no, 71% of UE1 say yes
  • very favorable view of congress? - 6% of most voters say no, 69% of UE1 say yes
Regarding climate change policies, most voters (63-83%) are against the following ideas. But the UE1 like them:

  • 77 % of UE1 want restrictions/rationing on private use of gas, meat, electricity
  • 72% of UE1 want to ban gas powered vehicles
  • 69% of UE1 want to ban gas stoves
  • 58% of UE1 want to ban SUV's
  • 55% of UE1 want to ban non-essential air travel
  • 53% of UE1 want to ban private air conditioning

(cont'd tomorrow)

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