Thursday, July 11, 2024

Elite 3

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Radical UE1 opinions overwhelmed the U.S. because they are the power-holders. "It is the elite 1 percent who dominate the universities, news media, judiciary, intelligence agencies, giant foundations, and most major corporations."

This tiny group of elitists believe they are superior and therefore feel that they deserve to dominate. In fact, you may have sensed some contempt for the rest of America. Hence the famous line "basket of deplorables."

Scott Rasmussen says this is the scariest data he's ever run across: when asked if they would rather cheat than lose a close election, only 7% of all Americans choose cheating. But 35% of the UE1 would cheat to win elections.

A movie character probably voices their view of ordinary Americans. Played by Meryl Streep in "The Giver," she explains why she should have control and why the people don't deserve freedom:

"When people have the freedom to choose, they choose wrong! Every. Single. Time." 

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