Friday, July 26, 2024

CA vs family 3

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

A citizen-led move to require parent notification before a school changes a child's gender identity (also banning puberty blockers and gender surgeries for minors) got over 400,000 signatures, but not quite enough to get the proposal on a ballot.

One upset mom sued her school district for pushing transition on her 11-year-old daughter, who today, at age 13, doesn't want to be a boy anymore. After being a lifelong leftist, the mom has changed her political party.

Frightened parents are looking for allies. Elon's public stand against these policies makes him a sort of hero. "Family Talk" commends him for taking a solid stand for children and families. He followed through on his vow to take his companies to Texas if the new law passed.

from The Free Press

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