Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Resisting 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

This woman "and the opposition movement she has created are the only things standing between the people and Nicolás Maduro and his thugs." 

She's not the kind of leader you'd expect to win the hearts of Venezuelans because "she's too white and too rich." But she stands for principles the people love, like personal dignity, the freedom to start a business, reuniting families torn up by migration. "Grandparents die alone because their children decided to walk thousands of miles and cross jungles to reach societies where they can thrive."

Electricity may be turned off by the government when she plans a rally, so the people "turn on the flashlights on their cell phones and silence themselves to listen." If they block the roads, fishermen bring her by boat. If they block tv and radio, social media carries her message.

When her candidacy was barred, she asked the people to vote for her stand-in. With record numbers voting, polls indicated a landslide for her representative. But Maduro claimed the victory.

from The Free Press

(cont'd tomorrow)

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