Monday, June 28, 2021

If cancelled . .

Kay Coles James thinks for herself. She also speaks up for herself. And she doesn't allow herself to be ramrodded by critics who want to shut her up. Over four decades of lived experience as a black woman and a public figure, she's learned some strategies she'd like to pass on.

Here's a short summary of her advice to you and me. 

1) Ignore cancel culture. 2) Make sure you have your facts straight, and tell the truth. 3) When you're wrong, admit it. 4) Don't be cruel, don't cancel others. 5) Your words should line up with your life. Don't be a hypocrite.  6) Speak carefully, not recklessly. 

"[S]peak up for what you know is right. You will inspire others to follow your lead, and when more people speak up, we’ll reach enough critical mass to eventually cancel “cancel culture.”

from Washington Times

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