Friday, July 19, 2024

Trans issue 4

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

In addition to the medical and scientific evaluation in yesterday's post, there is a paper evaluating what scripture says about transgenderism, today's subject.

As pro-LGBT-and-transgender Christians put it, there is no Bible verse banning transgenderism (a non-existent term when it was written, though there is an Old Testament passage prohibiting a man or woman from presenting as the opposite sex). 

But humans are created as male or female, that's clear, and the gay lifestyle is not approved. Those verses are scattered and numerous (see the article for specifics). Most Christians who want to affirm gay lifestyle and transgenderism therefore have to argue that modern opinion trumps Bible authority. That's a different issue for a different post.

Their conclusion continues the love/truth theme: "We can't be silent about minors being subjected to medical transitioning, or girls being required to share locker rooms with anatomical males. The simultaneous roles of ministering compassionately to transgender individuals [while] opposing transgenderism requires that biblically faithful ministers act lovingly and speak truthfully at the same time."

from Transgenderism and the Bible

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