Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Trans issue 2

  (cont'd from yesterday's post)

Pastor Micheal changed his attitude. He realized that gay/trans people are still people whom he's responsible to love and minister to. Today his son understands that his dad loves him regardless of the fact that he can't endorse his behavior.

We as Christians believe in the truth of evidence-based science (genetics), so we don't think a man or woman can become the opposite sex by wishing it. We must speak what is true. But the Bible tells us to also speak in loveSo this author stopped making fun of gay people and switched over to reaching out to them.

This is the Christian life. When God puts his finger on something and tells us to change it, we don't cling to the old habit. We are open to being changed by the wisdom of God. Pastor Micheal showed us what that looks like in real life.

from The Stream

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