Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Trans issue 1

Maybe you remember this story from last year, a pastor's story. He reined in his reaction to Pride Month and gay people in general--to bring his life into line with the Bible:

"Speaking the truth in love," that's our mandate as Christians. Not just truth, not just love, but both of them together. Here's one man's story of how he learned to practice that mandate when transgenderism came to his own home.

Pride Month happened in his city every year, and this author would make fun of it. But it got personal when his son told him that he was gay and considering transition. Grief and shame replaced mocking. The dad is a pastor in a Christian church.


Loneliness came as well, because he and his wife at first wouldn't tell people what was going on. Their son thought his dad hated him because he wouldn't approve of this lifestyle. That's the narrative in our cultural moment: if you love someone, you will endorse all their choices (a principle that doesn't really work in any relationship).

But God was at work in Pastor Micheal's life.

from The Stream and a personal conversation with the author

(cont'd tomorrow)

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