Monday, May 13, 2024

Saudi worries

Saudi Arabia has a long Red Sea coastline that they want to put to good economic use. People like to vacation at seaside resorts. So that's why luxury resorts are an important part of the Vision 2030 Project known as Neom. 

What if the war in Gaza escalates to the whole Middle East? Potential tourists will stay away altogether if there's a chance those resorts may become high-profile targets. 

What if security threats scare shipping lines into restricting delivery of materials and equipment to this hugely expensive building project? Billions of dollars' worth of construction investment can't pay off if construction can't be finished.

The enormous cost and effort behind the project make government officials nervous. Tensions, conflict, and outright war threaten the Vision; some citizens are sympathetic to the Palestinian side while the government tries to make friendly with both the U.S. and Israel. 

Saudi Arabia is investing heavily in a stable future and cannot afford current hostilities to engulf the Middle East. Maybe we'll see them try to bring peace to Israel and the Palestinians.

from MSN

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