Thursday, May 2, 2024

Columbia profs

Columbia University in New York is another globally prestigious institution. Founded way back in the 1700's around the founding of America, its good reputation may rightly suffer because antisemitism is being revealed.

"Pro-Palestinian," antisemitic protests on American campuses began after the brutal Hamas attack on Israeli civilians last October and Israel's counterattack in Gaza. Three university presidents couldn't condemn genocide before congress. 

But the protests at Columbia shouldn't be a complete surprise, according to this author and former Columbia student. One professor called Israel a “key actor” in “every dirty treacherous ugly and pernicious act happening in the world.” Professors have "saturated them with an ideological hatred for the Jewish state and university administrators . . have tolerated it for too long. At least some of the student protestors are just acting on what they've been taught.

Antisemitism, left-wing indoctrination, admissions scandals, plagiarism, all are part of the ongoing discovery of wide-spread corruption in our universities. 

from MSN

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