Monday, May 27, 2024

Deepfake 2

Follow up to this post

It's already hard to know whether reported news gives us an accurate picture of reality. Certain media are reliable, we think, but we wonder if we're right about that. 

We know media does follow government direction to censor dissent (example: release of the Twitter files) and does feed us propaganda mixed with factual information. So, what is accurate and what is not?

"When state propaganda is easily generated, millions will fully embrace their own hopeless inability to know the truth." It's easy to be cynical and give up trying to know. At least one millennial in my family did give up. 

Unfortunately, advancing video generation technology is almost certain to amplify the power of fake news to deceive us and control us. "AI human impersonation video technology" will get scary.

from Mind Matters

(cont'd tomorrow)

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