Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Deepfake 3

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Video technology that fakes a human person exists now and will only improve its ability to deceive, as per yesterday's post. Today's post was going to be about the ways that oppressive government could employ it. But it's a darker level than I wish to place on this blog. If you want to know how it could and probably will be used for propaganda, fear, and tyranny, you can find out here.

Check out this re-post from 2019:

Bias framing

One way to influence other people's opinions is to withhold information that would counter your argument. If the picture you paint for others is framed to your advantage, they can be fooled.

Everyone does it - that is, everyone frames the argument the way they see it.

But if you are the audience, make sure you ask some questions. Is anything important being left out of the way they frame it?

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