Friday, May 31, 2024

Paris Olympics 3

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Security is always an issue at the Olympics. Grievance groups and terrorists would love to create drama at an event that will make headlines all over the world.

France has already experienced multiple attacks in the name of Islam, including "the Charlie Hebdo killings of 2015, the Bataclan attack of the same year, the Bastille Day murders in Nice in 2016, and a series of brutal murders of teachers." European sporting events have recently received threats from Islamic State. 

France's Interior Minister says these threats are nothing new, and they're prepared. Twenty-thousand soldiers will patrol and defend the games, along with 40,000 police and gendarmes. They are training in the south to defend, for example, against knife attacks and hostage taking.

Two soccer fans expressed tough resistance against fear of terrorists: 

"If they are doing this communication campaign, it is above all to scare us and terrorise us, so that the French no longer go out. So we must continue to live and show them we are stronger than that." 

"You have to be vigilant but there is no reason to be more afraid than usual."

from BBC

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