Wednesday, May 1, 2024

DEI & Stanford 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Instead of openness to information and different opinions, rewards and punishments enforce the official left-wing ideology. Students and faculty will get the message that there is no "inclusion" for you if you don't see things their way. That's what DEI is for.

Investigative journalist Christopher Rufo based his report on the observations of an  undergraduate and journalist on campus. 

"'I’ve observed as students are reported by their peers for constitutionally protected speech,' and professors are denounced and accused of discrimination by other students 'for the crime of not being PC enough in their research or in class,' she says. 'Who fits or doesn’t fit into the DEI caste system determines a student or professor’s summary judgement.'" 

A professor says, "a Trojan horse ideology, labeled DEI, has been introduced, promoted, and institutionalized . . [that] attacks three fundamental values of Western culture: equality before the law, freedom of expression, and due process."

At least 177 full-time DEI bureaucrats carry out their mission at Stanford.

from "DEI Conquers Stanford"

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