Friday, May 17, 2024

Not savage

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

When boys really did get marooned on an island, it was 1965 and the boys were somewhat older. Six teenagers ditched school one day, took someone's boat, and went to sea for a joyride. A storm left them drifting for eight days without food or water before they found the island.

An Australian fisherman discovered them surviving after 15 months. "There was no chaos or anarchy." As teams, they managed rainwater, chickens, a garden, disagreements, and even found a way to make music. 

A different author who published this story is more optimistic than the author of The Lord of the Flies. He thinks people are basically good, and that this explains these boys' good results.

The boys were students from St. Andrew's, a Catholic boarding school. Maybe Ayaan Hirsi Ali (yesterday's post) would credit their Christian training for the good results that were so in contrast to the darkness of The Lord of the Flies.

from Mamamia

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