Thursday, May 30, 2024

Paris Olympics 1

Cleaning the Seine River has been a huge job for France. The Paris Olympics 2024 will begin late in July this summer, and some of the events will take place in the river--which has been very polluted for many years. 

Even this close to the events, tests of the water still show pollution levels may be too high for swimmers. The problem is E-coli, bacteria coming from sewage. Potentially, it can result in various problems ranging from skin irritation to serious illness.

Sewage treatment has been updated and improved, but untreated water can overflow into the Seine after a rain. So an immense container to hold the potential overflow was built during the past three years. It's the size of 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

About $1.4 billion has been spent on the effort to make the beloved Seine River clean. If all goes well, the public could be permitted to swim in it again by 2025.

from Forbes

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