Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Help them learn

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

From his life experience--events of his own life--Dr. Carson draws some inevitable conclusions about the value of education. His mother got things started when she enforced a habit in her home of reading books. He learned from those books and got excited about how it could empower and enable him.

He calls education in America back to the vision of every child, including every black child, receiving a good education. Here's what it should include:

Homework - Some deny the value of homework, even claiming that it should be abolished for the sake of black children. But lowering the bar does not benefit them. Don't abolish it.

Discipline - Unlimited "self-expression" disrupts learning. Retain classroom discipline. See Dr. Carson's experience with chaos in the classroom in yesterday's post.

Books - Train kids to focus their attention on books. They can do it if you help them turn their attention from video games to books.

Respect - Reward and celebrate students who achieve at high levels, like schools do for athletic achievement. Dr. Carson and his wife founded the Carson Scholars Fund to do just that.

Other elements are listed in the interview. As a last comment to students, Dr. Carson says this:

"[T]he person who has the most to do with what happens to you in life is you. You get to make the decisions. You get to decide how much energy to put into it. You don’t ever need to look for anybody else to blame."

from Bill Dembski's Substack

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