Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Fewer Ivy grads

All the disappointment of Americans in their corrupted "Ivy League" universities is showing up in the job market. Forbes reports that "Managers Have Lost Faith in Ivy League Grads."

"[I]n a new Forbes survey 33% of employers say they are less likely to hire Ivy League grads than five years ago, while only 7% say they are more likely to hire them. By contrast, 42% say they are more likely to hire public university grads than five years ago and only 5% say they are less likely to do so."

A manager writing in Wall Street Journal says, "I’m not inclined to hire a graduate from one of America’s elite universities. That marks a change. A decade ago, I relished the opportunity to employ talented graduates of Princeton, Yale, Harvard and the rest. Today? Not so much."

Why? Speaking of Ivy League grad job candidates, he says: 

"Even those who aren’t woke seem damaged by the experience, and they’re deprived of role models."

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