Tuesday, June 11, 2024

News 1

Journalism doesn't mean today what it used to mean, and icons of news reporting don't do what they used to do. That has led to our situation today: Americans don't trust media like they used to.

The Washington Post (founded in 1877), for example, earned a good reputation in the past but hasn't been doing well. From the end of 2020 until now, the newspaper lost 500,000 subscribers, hundreds of employees, and lots of revenue. 

WaPo's publisher and CEO delivered a truth bomb to his staff recently. He said, "People are not reading your stuff!"null

Why is that? They've lost subscribers because they represent only one political side: they're no longer bipartisan. Many, many people have lost interest in their coverage of the issues.

They are certainly not the only media group doing this.

from "What's Happening to Journalism?" null

(cont'd tomorrow)

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