Monday, June 17, 2024

Vivek on debate

Ex-candidate for President Vivek Ramaswamy learned something about the value of the right kind of debate as a 12-year-old.

His dad brought him along to law classes, and then they would talk about it. Vivek reveals what he learned on those occasions in an interview on X.

"My dad would engage me in debate on those long drives home. He would lean a little left of center and then he would criticize what [certain judges] say, and then I would take the other side. It actually brought us closer together."

It's the friendliest way to learn to think things through without hostility.

"It teaches kids who know they have the love of their parents that you can disagree with someone even while having a high regard for them." Disagreement does not equal hate, an important thing to remember in today's climate. 

from this post on X

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