Wednesday, June 5, 2024

D-Day 2024 #1

Nazi troops invaded and conquered France in 1940, stealing it from its own citizens. Imagine watching foreign soldiers run your country.

About half the population of Europe came under Nazi occupation, including all or most of Hungary, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Albania, Finland, Poland, and more.

A mammoth invasion, the biggest in world history, was the chosen strategy of the Allies. On June 6, 1944, about 160,000 soldiers landed on the beaches of northern France to begin a fierce battle to reverse Nazi domination and liberate Europe.

Over half of the Allied troops were killed, as well as 20,000 French citizens, in the Battle of Normandy. Eventually Germany and its Axis allies were defeated, though at great human cost.

from National WW2 Museum

(cont'd tomorrow)

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