Monday, June 24, 2024

Prosecutors 1

Keeping us safe in America is the job of local law enforcement. A movement was started years ago to upend that security. Two foundational beliefs motivate them: that our criminal justice system is completely racist, and that law-and-order district attorneys have to go because they control what charges will be pressed.

Racial activists with Marxist ties persuaded a billionaire (G. Soros) to donate a million dollars in 2015 to replace D.A.'s in Louisiana and Mississippi. It grew into the "progressive prosecutors" movement, or the "rogue prosecutors" movement in the words of this author.

Cities dominated by leftwing politicians elected these new ones who see defendants as victims. A law professor who supports this rogue movement says its goal is to "reverse-engineer and dismantle the criminal justice infrastructure."


The one pictured above claims that he is concerned with protecting the "truly vulnerable." But that doesn't turn out to be the result of the progressive (rogue) prosecutors movement: "In the areas where it has prevailed, the most harm has been done to racial minorities whose interests it purports to represent."

from Imprimis

(cont'd tomorrow)

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