Tuesday, June 18, 2024

No debate

Debate that welcomes verbal expression and clarifies the issues in a respectful manner is good.

In the next story, debate is missing. The chance to clarify each side of the argument is missing. In place of discussion, there is a sort of cancellation, a one-sided shutdown by the school's powerholder.

A California middle-school student by the name of Jimmy was running for the office of "Commissioner of School Spirit & Patriotism." He submitted his candidacy speech to the principal, who forbad him from reading it to the student body unless he removed every single reference to "patriotism," even though the position he was running for had the very word in its title. He sat silently on stage with the other candidates while they spoke.

Jimmy's dad objected in a respectful manner to the denial of Jimmy's freedom of speech. At this time, both Jimmy and his two sisters have been kicked out of St. Bonaventure Catholic school.

If more of this odd story comes out, I'll follow up.

from a post on X

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