Friday, June 7, 2024

D-Day 2024 #3

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Nazi-dominated Europe ended after another year of intense war. Allies went on to re-claim Europe for its citizens, to empty out the concentration camps and defeat the Nazis. 

In addition to the tens of thousands of dead Allied troops, French civilians also paid a price for the fighting in their own towns. A hungry 6-year-old watched the Americans pass him on the way inland. They gave him his first oranges. “The Americans, for us, were gods,” Marchais, now 86, recalled. “Whatever they do in the world, they will always be gods to me.”

Said to be historically accurate, the movie "The Longest Day" tells the story of D-Day. Troops, commanders and civil leaders are played by some of 1962 Hollywood's biggest stars.

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