Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Farmers market

Some of us love farmers markets, as this author does - the freshness, the beauty, the interaction with the farmers who produce the food. 

"Farmers markets facilitate personal connections and bonds of mutual benefits between farmers, shoppers, and communities. By cutting out middlemen, farmers receive more of our food dollars and shoppers receive the freshest and most flavorful food in their area and local economies prosper."

Why aren't super markets the same? According to this article, it's because they are inside the industrial food system, highly regulated by the federal government.

Unlike fruits and vegetables grown and sold to your local grocery stores, fruits and veggies sold at farmers’ markets are often unregulated and even exempted from food safety regulations,” points out SafeFruitsandVegetables. The relative lack of regulation accounts for not only the lower prices but the greater variety of produce, meats, and grains."

Think of farmer Joel Salatin and his beautiful farm.

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