Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Humans ≠ just animals


So David Attenborough thinks, as does Agent Smith from "The Matrix," that humanity multiplies in an environmental niche until the food supply is exhausted and the population declines because of mass starvation; then they go to another environmental niche and do the same (yesterday's post).

But in actuality, many places on earth support much higher numbers of people per acre than is the case in Ethiopia (which he gives as an example of the starvation syndrome).  This demonstrates that humans are not limited to the natural offerings of the environment they occupy, but are often able to use whatever resources they find to make it life-sustaining: creation as a function of imago dei.

And, population is declining rather than wildly multiplying in most of the world today -  on continents like North America and Europe, where mass starvation isn't remotely a problem.

It doesn't take much to refute Attenborough's and "Smith"'s false claim.  Humans are not just animals, or a plague, or a virus.

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