Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Please stop" (the aid)

Spiegel interviewer Thielo Thielke is shocked:  economist James Shikwati from Kenya begs the West to stop sending millions of dollars, food, and clothing to Africa.

Thielke is confused.  But people will starve if we don't help them, he said!  The problem is, as in the Bono quote from two days ago, "aid is just a stopgap."  Yes, it is good for a temporary emergency measure, but it's just inadequate in the long run.

What Africans need is a growing economy (Bono: Africa needs "to become an economic powerhouse").  They need prosperous farms and industry - they need to create wealth.

Western industrialized countries did that during the last few centuries which is why they have enough wealth to give away.  And, according to Ayittey (yesterday's post), Africa supported itself before the colonists arrived and can do it again if the West will stop sabotaging their weaving businesses, their corn farms, their local/community efforts to create wealth.

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