Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Miracle drug 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Church attendance being good for you has been known for decades. I wonder why it's not commonly known and why fewer people go to church. In America, "church membership as a percentage of the population is now at a record low—down more than 20 points in the twenty-first century." That's bad news for America.

Actually, I think that both you and I could think of reasons why church is not so popular anymore. Christians sometimes behave badly (that's true), clergy are vilified in movies, and the "new atheists" tell us that God doesn't exist and claim that science says so.

Another possibility is the trend of our churches to bow to popular culture rather than lifting up a strong Biblical message. "If Christianity is merely a kind of hobby or weekly pep talk designed to enhance psychological wellbeing or career success, then we can find better stuff on YouTube or Spotify."

"For 2,000 years, the knowledge and fear of a transcendent God, not helpful social programs, built and filled churches." We, America's church members, need to bow to God's program, not to our culture's program.

from Breakpoint

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