Thursday, August 3, 2023

Buy up land 1

Somebody bought land around three sides of Travis Air Force Base in California. The farmers who sold it were not really interested in selling, but negotiation eventually brought them an offer way above market value. In the end, they couldn't refuse the negotiated selling price, $800 million. So the land was sold to Flannery Associates.


Now, they're being sued by the buyer who claims that they illegally colluded to drive up the selling price. Odd.

But wait, there's more. A congressman from the area triggered a federal investigation of the whole thing because it doesn't make sense. He asks, what does Flannery plan to do with the land? Why were they willing to pay such a high price? Why were they so anxious to buy the land that they paid 5-10x what it's worth? 

Then, the biggest question: who is Flannery Associates anyway? It should be easy to find out who is involved - just google it. Or, maybe an important person can go through certain channels to get the information. 

But no. After months of investigation, neither the local nor the federal government was able to find out. What, the government isn't important enough and resourceful enough to get answers?? That's more than odd.

from ABC11

(cont'd tomorrow)

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