Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Near death 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Dr. Greyson isn't the only one who gives credence to near-death-experience (NDE). 

He says, "When we first started presenting this material in medical conferences, there would be a polite silence in the audience. And now in the 21st century, when we do this, it’s rare that doctors don’t stand up in the audience and say, ‘Let me share my experience with you.’ So it’s pretty well accepted now that these are common . . ."

Common elements of NDE stories include being outside their bodies, a sense of peace, seeing colors or hearing sounds that they can't describe. Dr. Greyson has investigated about a thousand of these. In one example, the patient described meeting a nurse who actually died while he was unconscious and couldn't have known that it had happened.

This psychiatrist doesn't think NDEs prove that there's life after death. But he does conclude that human beings are something more than just material bodies. If he ever was a materialist in the past, he is one no longer.

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