Wednesday, June 15, 2022

College reset 1

Forbes did a study of the financial situation of 905 private colleges around the U.S. It's been generally known for years that higher education is in bad shape, and Forbes concluded that two-thirds of them are in financial trouble.

Big names like Notre Dame and Harvard are in the top best thirty with their huge endowments and donors.  At #31, there's the relatively unknown National University. Not a big name, but it's leading the way into the education of the future and it's "flush with cash."

NU President Michael Cunningham was first an entrepreneur, earning an MBA part-time while running his own printing company in the 1990's. He wrote his thesis on expanding a business internationally using digital technology. He then did exactly that with his company, and it boomed. He took it public and sold it and made a fortune by age 40. 

He started teaching in a business school and got his PhD in 2005. Then he was recruited by National University, where they wanted open-access education powered by online learning. Such a good fit for Cunningham since he had taken his own business digital . . way back in the '90's.

from Forbes

(cont'd tomorrow)

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