Friday, December 1, 2017

Water from air

Is there really any water in the dry air of Arizona? Apparently there's more than you might think, because a professor has invented solar panels that wring drinking water out of that air. His business is called Zero Mass Water, and it makes Source Hydropanels.


The most they will produce is five liters per day, so it's only for drinking water - not near enough for irrigation or general household use. A typical home setup would be two units, for a price of $4500 plus installation.

Pricey, if you have access to plenty of water already. But interesting, if you don't. For bottled-water-using-families, the system could pay for itself in five years.

Possible applications:

1) contamination of local water, as in Flint, Michigan
2) lack of clean water in many parts of the world
3) desire to be off-grid in terms of water supply

(from Forbes)

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