Monday, December 18, 2017

McD & climate

Allan Savory has been speaking and training farmers for years. Joel Salatin has been speaking and writing books and training farmers for years. Both of them (I'm sure there are others whom I don't know about) are passionate to spread the message that correctly raising pastured beef produces productive land & nutritious meat . . and takes CO2 out of the atmosphere. 

That huge global user of beef, i.e. McDonald's, may have been listening. 


"For more than four years, McDonald’s has been traversing a long and arduous path to produce "sustainable beef" in its sprawling global supply chain.

"The fast-food giant is embarking on a small but potentially significant project to measure and analyze the ability of cattle farming to sequester carbon in soil, using a style of grazing called adaptive multi-paddock — AMP, for short. If it works, it could transform the way McDonald’s ranchers raise cattle and produce beef — while avoiding the release of millions or even billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere."

(cont'd tomorrow)

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