Monday, July 29, 2013

What is evolution?

The word is often used, and its meaning can be pretty fuzzy.

First there is the general meaning which no one argues about:  just change over time.  In this sense, you evolve as you learn and experience life; your job evolves as you add or subtract responsibilities.  Change occurs in almost everything as time goes on.

Then there is micro-evolution, which no one argues about:  all life species change somewhat in relatively minor ways.  The size of a bird species' beak can change with changing circumstances, for instance, so that most of the birds in an environment have stronger/bigger beaks when the seeds available to eat become tougher.  An apple is developed by horticulturists that is sweeter and juicier than others.


But it's the third type that does get argued about:  macro-evolution.  This theory says that changes in a kind of animal/plant happen over generations to the point that the later animal/plant is actually a different kind than its ancestors were, and all the kinds of life on earth came about this way.

There are lots of implications to this meaning of evolution.

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