Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Evolution in fossils


So macro-evolution claims that all forms of life we see on earth today could be theoretically traced back through their millions of evolving ancestors to one living cell that appeared somehow about 3.8 billion years ago.

Picture what that would look like if we could see those fossil remains.  Try to imagine layers of rock showing sea worms with a bump on their lower side, then rocky layers of fossils with two bumps, then fossils of worms with three bumps with a division of toes, then fossils with one true leg, then a layer of fossils whose legs have toes, then fossils of worms with four legs and claws, then fossils of legged worms with lungs instead of gills (wait - that's huge genetic change), then lizards with eyes feet and lungs, then . . .

You get the idea, picture innumerable slight variations leading to elegant organs like lungs and eyes and to wildly differing life forms.  This was Darwin's vision of what he expected would be found in the fossil record.  But the fossil record doesn't look like that.

Instead, what scientists have discovered (in the 150+ years since Darwin's book) is a fossil record that shows this:   the sudden rather than gradual appearance of animal/plant species, and usually stable body design which does not morph into other designs.


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