Friday, October 29, 2021

Local parents 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

So the NSBA has backed down from its accusation that dissenting parents are terrorists. Good. But the U.S. Attorney General has not backed away from ordering the FBI to go after those dissenting parents. Bad. Parents have a right to watch over their kids' school experience and dissent when they see fit.

But are the parents violent? That, of course, would be unlawful. But check out this example in the NSBA letter of "violence" by dissenting parents:

A Loudoun County VA school district parent was called last spring and asked to come to the school about his daughter's "altercation" in the bathroom. It turned out that the police came and escorted the girl to the hospital for a rape exam which produced positive evidence, and the boy involved was charged and later found guilty.

The school board met weeks later to adopt a bathroom policy based on gender identity. The girl's mom and dad objected because the boy who raped their daughter in the bathroom was wearing a skirt. The superintendent flat-out lied that they had never had an assault in a bathroom. The parents were upset. The dad was pinned to the ground by police. 


That's their example of "violence." The Attorney General should rescind his order to the FBI to target dissenting parents when it's based on examples like this.

from AEI

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