Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Discriminatory 2

"Business Leaders in Christ" (BLinC) is a Christian club at the University of Iowa, and it requires its leaders to adhere to traditional Christian sexual morality. The University claimed that they violated its "Human Rights Policy," so they de-registered the club. 

When the club took the matter to court, federal judge Stephanie Rose ruled (February of 2019) in BLinC's favor because the university was inconsistent with their policy.  A singing club, a Chinese student club, LGBTQ groups, etc., were not forced to give up standards for their leaders - but BLinC was.

Just four months later the university was back in court because they de-registered another Christian club, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IV), for the same reason.

Judge Rose (appointed under Pres. Obama) took stronger steps this time. She ruled that university officials would be personally responsible for the legal costs incurred by Intervarsity to defend their lawful rights. IV and other religious groups had to be re-instated.

Intervarsity's attorney remarked that it's "too bad it took twice for the university to learn its lesson."

from SalvoMag

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