Tuesday, October 2, 2018

V2X safety

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Human error is the biggest reason why cars crash. Driving while drowsy, or distracted with a passenger or cell phone - or anything else - causes collisions. It's a big reason for the movement to autonomous driving, where the car needs no human driver.

photo: yahoo

V2X gives tons of information to the self-driving system: information broadcast by sensors in other cars, by sensors near the road area, from the government, from all over.

According to the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, V2X can "prevent 80 percent of accidents for unimpaired drivers by alerting them to the hidden dangers . . in time to take evasive action."

About 40,000 people lost their lives in traffic deaths during 2017 in the United States, with millions more injured. So potentially thousands of lives could be saved.

(cont'd tomorrow)

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