Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Bike lock DNA


So DNA contains the instructions on how to build a living thing, right down to the chemistry within the cell.

If you wanted a computer to perform a new task, what would it need? You would have to give it instructions, information, code. In the same way, life forms carry their self-replicating information within the DNA in all of their cells. But where did the original set of instructions come from for each life form?

Biologists are well aware that information was essential for the origin of each life form. The puzzle this situation puts to them is called the "information enigma."

Materialists and atheists must explain the existence of information by random chance alone. The video above demonstrates the the overwhelming odds against such an explanation, and suggests that intelligent agency is the only thing we have ever seen which can produce information.

That bike lock analogy? Watch the video to see how it illustrates the incredibly remote chance that life and species developed entirely by random chance.

For every good protein (string of amino acids in correct sequence), there are *10 to the 77th power* combinations of amino proteins that do not yield a good protein. The odds against random chance producing just one good protein are the same as hacking the right combination on a bike lock with 77 dials, with 10 possible digits in each dial.

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