Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Thirst 3

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

When charity:water started up in 2006, there were about a billion people in the world without access to clean water. Now it's down to under 750,000,000, still a huge number. 

This charity figures that they provide about 2700 people per day, or one every 30 seconds, with clean water. And they have stories upon stories.

Fetching water is a woman's work in Africa, taking up to eight hours a day. "Young girls learn how to balance the weight of a water bucket, with a baby on their back, while boys their age are learning how to read in school.

"Even at a young age, Devison saw it all around him. And he refused to do nothing while his mother and sister shouldered the burden of this work, so Devison started walking for water too.

"Devison wasn’t trying to be a hero or take a stand; he just wanted to do the right thing. He wanted his mom to have time to do more important things. He wanted his sister to be able to go to school too."

(cont'd tomorrow)

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