Thursday, August 4, 2016

Souls in Iran

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

So the Iranian church is the fastest growing church in the world. Who? Who is it that is choosing to follow Jesus Christ in Iran? Here are the stories of 3 of them:

"Kamran was a violent man who used to sell drugs and weapons. One day, a friend gave him a New Testament. After reading for five consecutive days, Kamran gave his life to Jesus. When his family and friends saw his transformed life over the ensuing months, many of them also came to faith. A church now meets in Kamran’s house. 
"Reza was a mullah (a Muslim scholar) who hoped to become an ayatollah (a Shiite leader). One day, while studying at an Islamic seminary in Iran, he found a New Testament that had been boldly left in the library. Out of curiosity, he picked it up and was deeply shaken. Over time, he fell in love with Jesus. Today Reza is a trained church planter serving in the Iran region.
"Fatemah’s earliest memories were of being raped by her brothers. At age 11, she was sold in marriage to a young drug addict who abused her and then divorced her . . On the streets she heard the gospel preached, and she trusted Jesus. In time, she married a Christian man . . her family  . . [later] repented and gave their lives to the Lord. The first church Fatemah and her husband planted was in her childhood home."

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