Monday, February 26, 2024

EV competitor

Do you own a BYD? If you live in the US, you might not even know what it is. This Chinese car maker just surpassed Tesla's production of electric vehicles in the final quarter of 2023. 

Tesla far out-sells all other manufacturers of EV's in the US, and the same held for global sales up until now. But BYD is on track to take the leader position in 2024. Elon Musk has a warning for the auto industry:

“Frankly, if there are not trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish most other car companies in the world.” 

Low priced models are part of BYD's soaring success, and they can put out new models in as little as 18 months. Tesla took four years to put out the hyped cybertruck. 

But Tesla has plans for a new "baby Tesla" to compete in the lower price range, expected to cost the consumer under $30,000.

from Yahoo

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