Friday, September 30, 2022

Enough 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

His new book, Superabundance, is a counter-narrative to a commonly held impression:

"Generations of people have been taught that population growth makes resources scarcer. In 2021, for example, one widely publicized report argued, “The world's rapidly growing population is consuming the planet's natural resources at an alarming rate . . . the world currently needs 1.6 Earths to satisfy the demand for natural resources . . . [a figure that] could rise to 2 planets by 2030.” But is that true?"

Tupy and his co-author Gale Pooley analyzed centuries of the prices of goods, compared to how long people of the time had to work for them. They found that the abundance of resources - over history - grew faster than the population grew. On average, the human person produces more value than he/she consumes. Amazing, counterintuitive.

Why is this? Human ingenuity. It's true that unproductive people only consume (by choice or inability) but it's also true that many people are extremely productive. The Christian view of humanity says that our Creator designed us with the ability - if we're free - to creatively solve problems.

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