Monday, October 5, 2020

Platforms 1

Some people don't seem to take voting in a presidential election very seriously. 

How do you choose who to vote for? Do you follow an online resource, or have a favorite single issue, or choose the best looking, or vote for the party, or choose the most charming, or trust your feelings . . or are you guided by the campaign commercials?

Not so many years ago, speaking the truth was nearly a universal value among Americans. But then it became popular to deny the existence of truth and any obligation to stick to the truth. It may look like all politicians are lying. Who should you trust? Many just give up.

But there is solid help to make your voting decision. It's the party platform. Candidates will generally have to follow the platform of the political party which supports them. The party is paying for their campaign.

Candidates may be moral, or experienced, or truthful, or nice, or they may not. But, mostly, they're going to follow the party platform.

So go to this party platform and to the other party platform. You'll find out what they stand for. 

(to be cont'd)

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