Monday, September 24, 2018

China's cameras

The "Social Credit Score" was the subject of my posts dated Sept. 13,14,17,18. To citizens of freer countries, it's repulsive that China's government would monitor the details of its citizens' daily lives, judge each one, keep score, and punish or reward based on that score

"China's growing network of surveillance cameras makes all of this possible. The country already has an estimated 176 million cameras. It plans to have more than 600 million installed by 2020."

Unapproved activities may include not paying fines on time, fraud, jaywalking, smoking in non-smoking areas, tax evasion, things we agree on. 

But if "Big Brother" is always watching . . we in the West are definitely uncomfortable with that.

photo: cbsnews

Who do you think would give the system their high approval? A study has answered that question, though the system is not completely rolled out yet. And yes . . many approve . . so far. 

Try to guess who approves of the Social Credit Score - the topic of tomorrow's post.

(cont'd tomorrow)

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