Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Turks attack

An island of human rights has risen in the Middle East.

"There are countless regimes that crush their people. Which oppress religious minorities. Which flout the rights of women. But an island of human rights has risen above the waves. . Muslims are fully respected, but sharia is not imposed. . Christians and Yazidis are safe from the rape gangs of ISIS, and murder gangs of al Qaeda. Women have full civil rights. They serve in the legislature and form their own self-defense units.
"I mean the Federation of Northern Syria. That’s the part of Syria where Kurdish Muslims and Syriac Christians, Sunni Arabs and Yezidis, fought for their freedom and won. They allied with the U.S. Then they defeated ISIS. They established precisely the kind of free, fair institutions which the U.S. tried and failed to set up in Iraq. The Federation became a magnet for refugees seeking freedom and safety for their families. . It’s a beacon to hundreds of millions in the region who seek a better life."
The Federation of Northern Syria is in the northeast corner of the map below, the light greenish part. But this island is in trouble. Turkey is bombing it. They have asked urgently for help.
photo: Thomas van Linge
(cont'd tomorrow)

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