Tuesday, April 4, 2017


(cont'd from yesterday's post)

This "new" power source is a nuclear reactor that uses thorium for fuel instead of uranium. It requires much less pressure, which means less danger of explosion. A "meltdown" can't happen, which means much less fear of radioactive accident. In short, it is safer by far than most other energy sources.

photo: http://www.zmescience.com/ecology/what-is-molten-salt-reactor-424343/

This fuel, thorium, is 3x more abundant than uranium. It produces very little waste, which breaks down much faster than nuclear waste today.

Sounds like the energy source our world needs. So who is doing something about this? That's tomorrow's post.

(taken from businessinsider.com, "A forgotten war technology could safely power Earth for millions of years. Here's why we aren't using it," Feb. 25, 2017)

(cont'd tomorrow)

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